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Top 10 Paraphrasing Tools to Improve Your Content Better Than Original

February 19, 2025
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Rewriting is as important as writing. In fact, some writers consider it even more important than writing itself.

A famous American novelist and screenwriter, William Goldman, says, “A good writer is not someone who knows how to write but how to rewrite.”

But paraphrasing is as difficult as it is important. It is one of the most challenging skills among writers. Because you have to express others’ thoughts in your own words, showcasing your understanding of the context.

With advancements in AI writing tools, AI paraphrasing is also improving day by day. There are hundreds of paraphrasing tools available online to do the job.

I have tested many of them, and here is the list of my top 10 paraphrasing tools that help me to improve the content better than the original.

Top 10 paraphrasing tools to improve your content better than original

I have judged these tools on ease of use, speed, and accuracy. Among the many paraphrasing AIs and human text converters that I have used for rewriting my content, these 10 perform the best. They not only paraphrase but also make your content better than the original.

1. Qozex’s Paraphrasing Tool

This paraphrasing tool by is very versatile in rewriting content. It offers many different languages and rewriting tones, including formal, professional, creative, fluency, first person, and casual.

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It can handle large pieces of content at once, but the best feature is its understanding of context. It uses NLP (natural language processing) technology to read the text, which allows it to rephrase sentences without losing the context.

2. Sentence Rewriter

This AI sentence rewriter tool offers a whole suite of rewriting tones. It is very accurate in results, yet very simple to use. A user just has to visit the website with just a single click, then paste content, and choose a tone that actually suits your writing. That’s it!

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Based on AI, its context analysis is sharp, which allows it to rewrite content keeping the original meaning of the text intact.

3. Reword Generator

Reword generator is another simple yet elegant AI-powered rewriting tool. Its strength is its simplicity and the humanizing mode among the multiple tones and languages.

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The humanizer tone is specialized to make AI content look like it was written by a human. It improves the readability and clarity of the given sentences. And for all that, you do not have to sign up or pay on the site. Use it all for free.

4. Word Changer

This tool makes your writing look fresh by adding alternate words to your sentences with just a single click. It does not offer many modes; just standard, formal, and fluency. But its strength is its vocabulary.

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5. Fueon’s ChatGPT Rewriter

The fueon’s ChatGPT rewriter is good to add tweaks in GPT generated content. Most paraphrasing tools are used for rewriting ChatGPT’s content. Because it is necessary to humanize AI text before using it for search engine optimization. Google does not rank AI-generated content on SERPs.

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That’s where the ChatGPT rewriter at comes in. It is specialized to rewrite and humanize content written by ChatGPT. It not only rewrites, it improves the readability and changes the tone as well. You can choose whichever one you want among persuasive, narrative, expository, descriptive, etc.

6. ChatGPT

Talking about rewriters, ChatGPT itself rewrites very well. Some people claim that there are more powerful AIs than ChatGPT, but still, its LLM (large language model), the GPT-4o, is one of the most advanced artificial intelligences in the whole world.

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With 300 billion words in its datasets, it can analyze and mimic any style and tone while rewriting content. The only thing that keeps it from being the world’s best paraphrasing tool is that it requires its users to describe what they want in detail. There are no options on for tones and languages. You have to write all your requirements in proper prompts to get something out of it.

7. NeuralWriter

This paraphrasing tool from a neural writer supports the most number of languages and handles the highest amount of text among all of my paraphrasers.

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More than 20 languages are offered, and it can handle up to 10,000 words at a time. The platform does not offer any tones for rewriting, but it has three different modes: light, medium, and hard. Plus, it offers all these services in an extension as well.

8. Free Paraphrasing Tool

This one is another sophisticated paraphrasing tool. But it has a long registration process. It is offered for free, but asks too many questions before letting you use their tool.

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It offers modern fonts and many different rephrasing styles, but the interface is overwhelming. It confuses first-time users. However, once you get used to it, you realize that it rewrites pretty well.

9. Rewording Tool

The rewording tool is actually a very simple tool. Even a first-time user can understand its interface and use it. Plus, it requires no registration or signup. Just visit and start paraphrasing your content.

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Its multiple rewriting modes will help you rephrase your content for better readability and clarity for free. It cannot read files directly, but it can handle large amounts of words at a time. You will have to paste them in its input box before choosing a tone and clicking “Reword.”

10. Quillbot

This paraphrasing AI from quillbot can read content directly from files. You just have to drag and drop your file in .docx or .pdf. The only problem is that it can rephrase only 300 words at once.

But it offers many different tones and styles for rewriting. Plus, you can expand, summarize, and simplify your content on the same page, Some of its tones are even unique to this platform, like warm, gentle, cheerful, and urgent.


Different AI rewriters offer different benefits, but each of them has some drawbacks as well. The best practice is to choose according to your current task.

Like if your content has thousands of words, use the NeuralWriter. If you are looking for different tones, you should try Qozex’s paraphrasing tool. Similarly, if the purpose of paraphrasing is to humanize the text, go for the reword generator or Fueon’s ChatGPT rewriter.

Use paraphrasing tools in your content marketing and improve your writing. You will see your content getting better.

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