We are living in a world, where almost everyone cares about text typography whether it is a simple message, social post, or caption. The font you use shows your aesthetic sense and creativity. Yet, behind every visually appealing text lies a crucial, often overlooked element – blank space.
These unseen spaces play a key role in ensuring not only font-style aesthetics but also clarity. Want to know the reasons? Then keep reading this blog post till the very end, and you will get the answer.
Remember, this blank space isn’t the one that we add in the text by using the “Space” button from the keyboard. Instead, these are special Unicode characters that can’t be seen with human eyes, but word processing tools and online platforms count them as REAL CHARACTERS.
Blank space is also referred to as “Empty Space,” “Invisible Space,” and “Invisible characters.”
Now the question is why use these special Unicode characters for good readability when you can enter normal space? Let us explain.
On many social media platforms and online forums, when a user adds normal spaces in the text or caption, it looks good, but after publishing the formatting becomes poor due to the wrapped screen or font size.
Additionally, many platforms also don’t allow you to enter multiple normal spaces to achieve good aesthetics and readability, in such scenarios, the special Unicode characters will come to rescue you.
There are multiple methods of creating and using blank space characters. The first one is by going for a Unicode website and searching “Zero Width Space” or “U+200B” on it. When done, simply copy the code.
Another method to create an invisible character is through specialized online tools. These allow you to copy blank space with a single click, without asking to search for anything.
No matter which you used for creating when done, you can paste these characters within the font to elevate its aesthetics and readability.
Here are some of the key reasons why blank space should be utilized for effective readability and font aesthetics.
Achieving visual harmony is considered essential for many reasons. It not only improves aesthetics and readability but also makes your font text look professional and accessible to a wider audience.
So, when you use blank space within the font text, it creates a proper structure and hierarchy, making it more visually appealing and easier to scan. Let us explain all this with an example.
Instagram caption without formatting:
Caption with blank space included:
The second version contains a blank space after each word, which will prevent it from being shifted onto a new line if the caption is wrapped due to screen size or font size.
The heading tells everything – consistent spacing is the most important thing that makes a font visually good and clear to read. Your text should contain uniform distances between words, and lines.
Using blank spaces or non-breaking spaces can help achieve this. It prevents line breaks in multi-sentence text to ensure consistency. To demonstrate better, check out the example below.
Sentence without consistent spacing:
Sentence blank space inserted:
In the second version, an invisible character is added after the word “fashion.” So, the remaining phrase remains intact even after publishing.
We all know that whatever message, caption, or text we write, the primary goal is to make it completely accessible to a wider audience. However, this can never be achieved through poor font aesthetics and readability.
By using blank characters, users can ensure consistent spacing and line breaks in their text, ultimately resulting in maximum text accessibility.
So, these are some of the most common reasons why using blank space is considered essential for font aesthetics and readability.
Blank spaces are basically special characters that appear invisible to human eyes, but the algorithms of online platforms count them as real ones. These come really handy in making your font aesthetics and clarity stand out. In this blog post, we have explained some of the key reasons in detail, hope you will find the information valuable.