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The Magical Evolution in Design: Past, Present, and Future

January 18, 2025
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Several things in life, including globalization, technological advancements, and shifts in societal values, have driven a remarkable evolution in design. Intricate details and flashy ornamentation once reigned supreme, now favoring minimalism and functionality.

With the advent of digital technology and changing consumer demands, design has transformed into a dynamic and multidisciplinary field. In this article, you will explore its evolutionary history from the past, its current state, and potential future trends.

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The Evolution of Design from Various Lenses

Design is interwoven into every surface level of society in a very diverse form. Look at the evolution designs below in more detail!

1. Visual

Most of the evolution in design has given way to more understandable and simple graphics. Initially, visual design creates depth and dimension, like shadows and textures. Now, it tends to be minimalist and modern. Where did this design come from?

a. Swiss Style

Volkswagen Advertisement in 1960 by Helmut Kroner Implementing Swiss Style

In the 1920s to 1930s, the Swiss style was designed based on the design principles of objectivity, legibility, and simplicity. It became a global visual communication using sans-serif typography, grids, and a crisp hierarchy of graphic elements.

b. Minimalism

This style has similarities with the Zen philosophy, namely “Less is More”. In 1960s New York, artists removed everything they considered irrelevant and highlighted the essence of a piece.

Minimalism Design on Microsoft's Metro UI in Windows 8

The popularity of minimalism rose around 2012 with the launch of Windows 8 and its clean-looking Metro interface. The Metro design style uses a grid consisting of content blocks with sharp edges and vertices, contrasting colors, and sans-serif typography.

c. Skeuomorphism

Example of Skeuomorphism in Website Design

This evolution in design is often adopted in graphic design, where visual elements resemble real-world objects. With Skeuomorphism, you can easily understand your app’s purpose.

d. Flat Design

Flat Design Implementation on iOS 6 VS iOS 7

Following the style of minimalism, the flat design reduces complexity and enhances your experience in design. For example, Apple introduced a flat design interface from iOS 6 to iOS 7 in 2013. The iPhone UI no longer has reflective surfaces, angles, or drop shadows.

2. Website

The First Website Interface at CERN

The website design was developed in 1991 by CERN. However, its popularity only exploded when the Mosaic browser appeared in 1993. From just providing information, websites have developed into an important component in marketing strategies.

Internet users at that time liked the birth of Web 2.0, which made the Internet more interactive. The evolution of websites is now becoming more minimalist with a user-friendly interface.

3. User Experience (UX)

As websites ever-evolving, UX design has created a functional and delightful user experience. While designing an experience, designers conduct iterative research, brainstorm ideas, create prototypes, and test ideas. Coupled with an Agile mindset, it led to a significant evolution in design.

4. Graphic

Graphic design can be traced back to the appearance of paintings in the Lascaux caves. Later, you can observe its use on ancient Egyptian temple walls, navigation maps, or coats of arms in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Only then Guttenberg invented the printing press in 1436.

The term “Graphic Design” was only coined in 1922 by William Addison Dwiggins. Most of the work was done by hand until 1984. Meanwhile, the new digital era began when Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak introduced the Apple Macintosh to the world.

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5. Fashion

Evolution in Fashion Design Leviโ€™s Commuter Trucker Jacket by Google

The next evolution in design refers to changes in the world of fashion. Clothing is no longer a basic human need but has become a symbol of identity, social behavior, and intuitive interactions. For example, the Jacquard by Google.

Jacquard is a platform that combines textiles with technology for everyday use. One of the products is the Leviโ€™s Commuter Trucker Jacket โ€“ a clothes that allows users to listen to music, get call alerts, navigate areas, and communicate with just one movement.

Looking far back, clothes were made by hand in 1400 BC. In 1846, Elias Howe invented a sewing machine that could help produce garments quickly.

6. Eco-friendly

According to a global Nielsen survey, 81 percent of respondents feel that companies should implement eco-friendly programs. The good thing is, that 73% of respondents want to change their consumption habits to reduce their impact on the environment. This change gives rise to ethical fashion in eco-friendly design.

The periodic exposure of evolutions graphics & designs, as well as the overall evolution, has given rise to various reactions from the public. They value new design developments to enrich their experience and functionality.

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Why Should You Keep Up with Evolution in Design?

Keeping up with evolution in design encourages you to carry out continuous learning. You can also expand your creative horizons by exploring new approaches. In this way, you can create meaningful and impactful experiences for society in this ever-evolving world.

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